TXT and LE SSERAFIM fans react to Yeonjun and Yunjins dating rumors

On January 11, K-pop fans woke up to dating rumors between HYBE artists, TXT’s Yeonjun and LE SSERAFIM’s Yunjin.

A K-pop fan has allegedly dug out "evidence" substantiating their claim. They apparently discovered Yunjin’s personal Spotify account, and based on a screenshot of the same, they have deduced that TXT’s Yeonjun is allegedly in a relationship with his labelmate and LE SSERAFIM member, Yunjin.

The display/profile picture on the idol's Spotify is a drawing of a girl and a boy, which, according to the aforementioned K-pop fan, is actually fashioned after the image of TXT’s Yeonjun and herself. Interestingly, LE SSERAFIM’s Yunjin had designed it herself, and the K-pop fan is convinced that she is dating the Blue Hour singer.

Reacting to the dating rumors that are not grounded on any substantial evidence, a K-pop fan said:

“Leave them alone."

TXT Yeonjun and LE SSERAFIM Yunjin’s fans take to social media to react to their alleged dating news

Fans took to social media to react to TXT’s Yeonjun and LE SSERAFIM’s Yunjin’s dating rumors. They argued that the veracity of the claims cannot be judged based on a Spotify account. Fans are of the opinion that it is easier to pair them as they are labelmates.

However, most fans have opted for a neutral stance and requested others not to speculate about their personal lives and leave them alone.

Other fans believe that this is a conspiracy against TXT’s Yeonjun and Yunjin as the former is making a comeback soon, and LE SSERAFIM is increasingly gaining popularity.

LE SSERAFIM’s Yunjin’s alleged personal Spotify account is apparently under her full name, Huh Yujin, and it includes songs like Come Inside of My Heart - IV Of Spades, lowkey by NIKI and Stargazing by The Neighbourhood, which were all previously recommended by the singer herself via LE SSERAFIM’s official social media accounts.

The account goes by the name “Yunny,” presumably her nickname, and is allegedly followed by her sister as well.

Meanwhile, the profile/display picture is designed by LE SSERAFIM’s Yunjin, who proved herself to be a talented artist after creating the art for the music video for her recently released self-produced song, I ≠ DOLL.

The unnamed fan attests that the art style of the Spotify profile picture is similar to Yunjin’s drawings, and the girl in the picture is modeled after her own profile picture.

Moreover, as has been claimed by the fan, the boy in the photo next to the girl apparently bears an uncanny resemblance to TXT’s Yeonjun. The display picture was allegedly created in September 2022, and the styling of the boy is very similar to that of TXT’s Yeonjun from that time, especially with his gray hoodie, blue-green hair, and piercings.

Yunjin was also spotted wearing gold hoop earrings around the time, matching the girl’s visuals to herself.

Fans have also claimed that TXT’s Yeonjun and LE SSERAFIM’s Yunjin tried to be close to each other during a special The Game Caterers’ episode featuring HYBE artists.

TOMORROW X TOGETHER to make a comeback on January 27

TOMORROW X TOGETHER is all set to return with their fifth EP, The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION, eight months after the release of their fourth mini-album Minisode 2: Thursday's Child in May 2022.

This is the next step in their discography after the conclusion of their The Dream Chapters as well The Chaos Chapter. The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION will be made available in three versions - Nightmare, Farewell, and Daydream version. TXT has been releasing teaser videos, images, and important information about their upcoming album, which has heightened fans' excitement about the comeback.

The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION will be released on January 27 at 2 pm KST.

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