Top 5 civilization-style Minecraft Servers

Joining civilization-style servers is one of the most popular ways to play Minecraft, a sandbox game with unlimited potential. You can construct your own civilizations on these servers, trade with other players, and participate in diplomatic and military conflicts. These servers often have tons of players willing to participate in intense roleplays.

This article lists the top 5 civilization-style Minecraft servers that provide engaging gameplay and a great community.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

Conquer one of these Minecraft civilization-style servers

5) MoxMC

IP address:

MoxMC is a popular Minecraft server (Image via Mojang)

MoxMC blends the thrill of PvP conflicts with aspects of civilization-style gameplay. It offers a dynamic and competitive atmosphere with a focus on battle and conquest.

MoxMC is the ideal server for you if you appreciate the challenge of PvP and the pleasure of building an empire. You can rule the game world alongside your friends or alone if that's what you prefer.

MoxMC is a server that often has huge conflicts. Its participants make use of guns, tanks, and all sorts of military equipment. If you're a big fan of guns, try and join this server today.

Average player count: 500 - 2,500

4) Cradle of Civilizations

IP address:

Cradle of Civilizations prioritizes historical realism and engaging gameplay. On this server, you have the option of starting in a variety of historical eras. The distinct characteristics and technology of each culture add depth and complexity to the gameplay.

Cradle of Civilizations offers a genuinely engrossing way to recreate historical events and build your own civilization. Voice chat is also supported on the server.

Cradle of Civilizations has its own texture pack that adds tons of different plugins to make the gameplay the best around. If you want to conquer dungeons, fight bosses, and much more, this is the server for you.

Average player count: 5 - 50

3) Craft of Civilizations

IP address:

Craft of Civilizations is a fantastic server (Image via PlanetMinecraft)

Minecraft server Craft of Civilizations focuses on producing a realistic civilization experience. On this server, you can create nations, trade resources, conduct diplomacy, and take part in large-scale wars.

Additionally, Craft of Civilizations provides cutting-edge technology that lets civilizations flourish and grow throughout time. The server provides a deep and interesting gameplay experience, regardless of your goals for your empire.

Craft of Civilizations is designed for survival gaming and operates on a real-world map. The server runs on an extremely balanced economy. It even has a live map, where you can view the world and the people playing from a website. If that sounds intriguing to you, consider joining Craft of Civilizations today.

Average player count: 10 - 75

2) 1Hour 1Life

IP address:

1Hour 1Life is a fun roleplay server (Image via PlanetMinecraft)

The Minecraft gameplay on 1Hour 1Life is different from other civilization-style servers. You start off as a newborn on the server and age with each passing minute. In this hectic and demanding workplace, cooperation and teamwork are paramount.

Which of these objectives would you prioritize? Fostering a successful economy, forging diplomatic ties with other players or preparing for war? The decisions you make during your brief life on the server will determine how your civilization develops.

The staff on this Minecraft server are always working to make it perform the best it can.

Average player count: 25 - 150

1) CCNet

IP address:

CCNet is an extremely fun Earth server (Image via Mojang)

CCNet, commonly called Comet Craft, provides a variety of civilization-themed activities. It accommodates many playstyles and interests, offering custom-made maps that represent various historical eras and survival-focused servers.

This is another server with a map set to be the Earth. You will have lots of chances to create alliances, engage in trade, and demonstrate your building prowess in a welcoming and vibrant society. You can also fight in battles with dozens of players, using weapons, artillery, and various vehicles.

Use the server's in-depth, extensively customized version of the Movecraft plugin to design and construct moving, fully working warships, ground vehicles, and airplanes.

Average player count: 50 - 200

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