Babymetal and Dethlok announced a new North American joint-tour, titled the Babylok tour, which is scheduled to be held from August 30, 2023 to October 11, 2023 in venues across the US and Canada.
The bands announced the joint-tour, which will feature supporting performances by guitarist Jason Richardson, via a post on their official Instagram page:
Presale for the tour will start from April 11, 2023 at 1 PM local time and can be accessed via the code THEOTHERONE. The general tickets for the tour will be available from April 14, 2023 at local time. Ticket prices have not been announced yet. All tickets and presales will be available from
Joining the two metal bands on tour will be guitarist Jason Richardson, who is best known for his work as the guitarist of the American deathcore band Chelsea Grin, particularly on their third studio album, Ashes to Ashes, which peaked at number 27 on the Billboard 200 album chart after its release in 2014.
The full list of dates and venues for the Babymetal and Dethlok tour is listed below:
Babymetal is a Japanese kawaii metal band that was formed on the initiative of Koba Metal, who recruited Suzuka Nakamoto to lead the band after she left her previous group. The band released their debut chart single Babymetal / Kiba of Akiba, in 2012, which peaked at number 46 on the Oricon chart.
The band released their epynomously titled debut studio album, Babymetal, on 26, 2014. The album was a commercial hit, peaking at number 4 on the Japanese album chart as well as number 69 on the Austrian album chart.
Babymetal achieved critical acclaim with their second studio album, Metal Resistance, which was released on March 29, 2016. The album peaked at number 2 on the Japanese album charts as well as number 7 on the Australian album charts. It also won the Best Album of the Year - Japan award at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards Japan.
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