Players can't delete their characters in Tower of Fantasy

The newest MMORPG, Tower of Fantasy, finally has western servers available. Though the game already had a large following in the east (where it originated), western audiences only recently had a chance to try it out.

Unlike Genshin Impact, a similar gacha MMO, this title features an in-depth character creator in which players can customize their own playable avatar. This new feature has grabbed the attention of those who have invested a lot of time into Genshin Impact, causing a large crossover between the playerbases of the two games.

This has also sparked some questions among Tower of Fantasy players. Having a game where the player can customize a character of their own often has players questioning the interface and management of such a feature. More specifically, some players may want to know how they can delete their character entirely.

Character management in Tower of Fantasy: Deleting a character

A player-created character in Tower of Fantasy (Image via Perfect World)

Sadly, there is currently no way for players to outright delete a character in Tower of Fantasy. Once a character is made on a server, it stays there for as long as the account is active. However, this does not mean that a player is limited to one character per account, and there are ways to play as multiple avatars.

While it is quite unusual for such a simple mechanic to be absent from the game, the ability to delete one's character from a server does not seem to be available at the moment. However, it is entirely possible for the developers to add this feature to the game at a later date.

If a player has either messed up when creating an avatar or simply does not care for it as much as they did when constructing it, there is a way to make another. A player's character does not transfer between servers. This means that players wanting to play as a different character can do so by transferring servers.

However, the obvious drawback to this method is that the progress and items that the character had do not carry over. While this may not be a big deal for most players, those who have invested money into the title may see this differently. The downside remains consistent with other methods of creating new characters.

If a player is adamant about playing on one server that they enjoy the most, they only have two options. They can either continue playing on the character they do not like or create a new account. While this can be a bit of a hassle for those without a spare email address, it is the only option to create multiple characters on a singular server.

To summarize, players looking to have multiple characters on a singular server are going to need to create multiple accounts. Given Tower of Fantasy's lack of a feature to delete a character, players will either need to switch servers to create a new character or keep playing with the character they have already created.

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