On Wednesday, a Kozhikode hospital reported the death of Malayalam actor Mamukkoya. At at 1.10 pm, according to the hospital where he was treated, he passed away.
In the Malappuram neighborhood on Monday night, a 77-year-old actor fainted while taking part in a football tournament-related activity. Kerala, India, was the birthplace of mamukoya. On July 5, 1946, in Calicut, Madras Presidency, he was born to his parents. He spent the majority of his childhood there.
With 1979’s Anyarude Bhoomi, Mamukkoya made his film debut after beginning his career as a theater performer. The French movie Flammens of Paradise later had him as the lead. He has worked as many characters, including a forest brigand in the movie Korappan, the Great, because to his distinctive manner and dialect, which have helped him stand out in the profession.
Muhammed Nisar, Shahitha, Nadiya, and Abdul Rasheed are the four kids. The family was content with their lives in Kozhikode, close to Beypore.
Mamukoya can be seen in photos on social media platforms with his family. However, we currently do not know anything about his children’s professional lives.