Although Sony runs a tight ship when it comes to weeding out various bugs and performance issues in the PlayStation 5, there are still a few errors that slip through the cracks from time to time.
One of the best methods that the game developers recommend for fixing certain performance issues is to use the “Restore License” feature to deal with the problem. Unfortunately, there are times when this feature itself encounters a bug in the new-gen console.
While this is not something that happens often, several community members have mentioned that this issue generally occurs after the PlayStation 5 receives a patch update.
Restoring Licenses is one of the best ways to deal with certain performance issues for numerous games on the home console, and not being able to use this feature when required can be a frustrating experience.
Today’s guide will go over how you can fix the “Can’t Restore Licenses” error on your PlayStation 5 console.
Restoring Licenses on the PlayStation 5 helps one to solve multiple errors that can arise when purchasing a game. This is exactly why Sony officially recommends this feature as one of the best ways to deal with certain in-game performance issues.
If the Restore License feature's not working on your console, you can try out these methods to potentially resolve the issue:
The reason why you might be getting the “Can’t Restore Licenses” on the PlayStation 5 is due to the fact that the PSN servers themselves might be facing issues. To check on the network's server status, you must type out 'PSN server status' in the search bar of your browser.
You must then click on the official PlayStation webpage, where you'll be able to see the latest information about the PSN servers alongside the latest notifications on the server status.
If the PSN network is down, you will have to wait until the servers are optimally working again to check and see if the Restore Licenses feature is working.
Another option that could likely help solve this problem is to set your PS5 as the primary console. You can do so by first making your way to Settings, and then clicking on the 'Other' option.
Once you're there, you will need to click on Console Sharing and Offline Play. In this section, you'll need to select Enable on the 'Set your PS5 as Primary option' to complete this step.
It’s important to keep in mind that if you do activate this on one console, it will automatically remove the primary status from any other console that you've added.
Checking for and downloading the latest PlayStation software updates will be your last option of fixing the “Can’t Restore Licenses” error on your console. Additionally, you can even consider restarting the console, as many within the community have stated that simply restarting the device seems to have fixed the issue for them
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