How to end a Peyote Plant hallucination in GTA Online: PS4, Xbox, PC

There are a few ways to end a Peyote Plant hallucination in GTA Online, regardless of the platform the player is on (PS4, Xbox, PC).

There are two main ways to end a Peyote Plant hallucination in GTA Online. The first option is to die (plenty of players in GTA Online will gladly do it for the player). The second method is through pressing a specific button combination. It's straightforward to do, so players should have no trouble ending a Peyote Plant hallucination in GTA Online.

Peyote Plant hallucinations do not end on their own, so players do have to end it themselves. It's difficult to kill oneself as an animal, so if a player is on a solo server and away from NPCs, it's best to use the second method. Likewise, players might unintentionally have their Peyote Plant hallucination ended prematurely by somebody else killing them.

How to end a Peyote Plant hallucination in GTA Online: PS4, Xbox, PC

Image via Chucky (YouTube)

Peyote Plant hallucinations are fun in GTA Online, but sometimes a player just wants to end it. They could turn off the game and come back later, but maybe they still have time to play GTA Online. Sadly, players cannot do heists as animals, so it's vital to end a Peyote Plant hallucination in order to continue one's GTA Online session (and to collect 5,000 RP).

Players don't have to worry about reactivating their Peyote Plant hallucinations. Eating another Peyote Plant will enable a Peyote Plant hallucination of some kind in GTA Online (possibly a different animal). As long as Peyote Plants are available in GTA Online, there should be no issue for players seeking to start again.

Ending a Peyote Plant hallucination in GTA Online (Method 1)

Image via Steam Community

Dying is very easy to do in GTA Online. If there are players causing chaos about, all the animal would have to do is get caught up as collateral. Alternatively, they can have their friend kill them.

If neither option is achievable, the player can also kill some NPCs and hope law enforcement will eliminate their animal self. Suicide is difficult as an animal, so players should keep that in mind if they're in an isolated location. All that matters is that once a player dies, they'll respawn as their human character.

Ending a Peyote Plant hallucination in GTA Online (Method 2)

Image via NeoGAF

This method should always work, so most players prefer it once they wish to end their Peyote Plant hallucination. For PC players, all they have to do is press the 'E' button for the default control scheme. For Xbox One and PS4 players, they need to hold down the Right D-Pad.

If a player's controller lacks this option, the player should strongly consider getting a new controller. Otherwise, they'll have to enjoy dying as their best alternative to ending the Peyote Plant hallucination in GTA Online. Either way, ending it should be easy, and all players should be able to do so once they want to move on.

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