How many kids does Blueface have? All about his baby mama as he welcomes child with Jaidyn Alexis

Blueface welcomed his second child with Jaidyn Alexis on Friday, August 5, 2022.

Alexis revealed the news on her Instagram by sharing a picture of herself holding her new-born's tiny foot. The post was captioned:

"Journey Alexis Porter"

Alexis announced her pregnancy on Instagram in December 2021 by posting a video of her pregnancy reveal to Blueface. In the video, she was seen giving a gift box to the rapper in front of a Christmas tree. The caption read:

“I guess Christmas came a little early this year.”

The pair’s son was also spotted in the video repeatedly asking his father to open the box. Upon opening the box, he realized after some time that it was a positive pregnancy test and asked Alexis, “Are you pregnant?”

When she said yes, the artist was spotted hugging her.

Blueface is also the father of a 5-year-old son

Apart from their newborn baby daughter, Blueface shares a 5-year-old son with Alexis Jaidyn.

Javaughn J. Porter was born on April 29, 2019 and has appeared in several radio interviews with his father. He was also featured in Bluface's 2018 release, Dead Locs.

Blueface has his son's name tattooed on his right forearm. In an interview with Big Boy’s Neighborhood, the rapper revealed that since Javaughn’s mother worked all day throughout the week, he got to spend a lot of time with his son and as a result, has a close bond with him.

While both Alexis and Blueface post about their son from time to time, it must be noted that they have never revealed much about Javaughn's personal life.

Who is Jaidyn Alexis?

Jaidyn Alexis is a famous social media influencer and Instagram model. She is well-known for sharing pictures of her lifestyle on her Instagram page and has more than 200,000 followers on the platform.

Jaidyn Alexis is a social media personality (Image via jaidynalexxis/Instagram)

She started posting pictures on Instagram in 2019.

She is also the CEO of Glendale, a CA-based Babyface Skin & Body LLC. Despite being so popular, she does not have a Wikipedia page due to which detailed information about her career and parents remains unknown.

Blueface and Jaidyn Alexis relationship timeline explored

Although the duo first met in high school and share two kids, they are no longer together.

In 2020, Jaidyn trended on social media after she destroyed the rapper's car and property when she caught him cheating on her with another woman.

In 2021, when Porter was once again linked to another woman, Alexis posted a video of the two of them, implying that they were still dating. The video has now been deleted.

Although Alexis has not posted any pictures of the rapper in a long time, she frequently shares photos featuring her son.

Blueface gained popularity after the release of the music video for Respect My Cryppin’ in 2018. He was then signed to the record label Cash Money West and released the most successful single of his career, Thotiana. His first album, Find the Beat, was released in 2020.

Porter has been in an on-and-off relationship with Chrisean Rock. In a prior altercation with Alexis, Rock reportedly had one of her teeth knocked out.

Rock was arrested in Oklahoma in February 2022 after she stole Porter's car to drive back to Baltimore. Porter's manager further accused her of breaking into their house and stealing some cash alongside their Mercedes G-Wagon.

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