Roy Haylock, better known by the stage name Bianca Del Rio, is an American drag queen, comedian, actor, and costume designer. She is known for winning the sixth season of RuPaul's Drag Race. Since her time on Drag Race, Del Rio has written and toured several stand-up shows, including It's Jester Joke, which also made her the first drag queen to headline at Wembley Arena. She has also performed as a host for various international tours, most notably Werq the World. In 2018, she published her first book, Blame It On Bianca Del Rio: The Expert On Nothing With An Opinion On Everything. In June 2019, a panel of judges from New York magazine placed Del Rio first on their list of "the most powerful drag queens in America", a ranking of 100 former RuPaul's Drag Race contestants.
She is well known for her live drag queen performances in New York City and New Orleans. She is a Louisiana-born comedian, stage and screen performer, and costume designer. She was the 2014 winner of the reality show RuPaul's Drag Race.